
Earth's finest

“Yesterday I had the privilege of attending the Guayaquil temple with one of the Kids from OSSO. This young man has cerebral palsy. His disability doesn’t stop him from living an exemplary life. I felt so much pride for him as I helped him in and out of the baptismal font. He had never done baptisms before, only confirmations. He came up coughing and spitting water, a bit of fright visible on his face. I asked if he would like to continue, making sure he knew we could quit any time. He nodded yes… This young man is a hero, a champion. What a blessing and a privilege it has been to come to Ecuador and surround myself with some of Earths finest.”
-Written by Isaac, an OSSO Volunteer/Alumni.

Help an orphan serve the Lord

A Mother to the Motherless

…“we rejoice that the call to nurture is not limited to our own flesh and blood.” -Because She is a Mother, Jeffery R. Holland

A few years ago, a little boy from the orphanage came home from school in tears. His classmates were excitedly preparing for the upcoming holiday. The class made crafts, and the teacher instructed the children just what to do for the very special holiday. Through his tears, he explained he would not be able to celebrate the holiday every other child in his class was anticipating, Mother’s Day. He cried as he shared how every other student would make breakfast for their mother, and present her with a craft and home made card.

The orphanage coordinator listened to his tender little heart, and quickly decided what to do. She told him to pack his backpack, and he was staying with her for the weekend. On a weekend that is meant for mother’s to enjoy a little relaxing, extra appreciation, and pampering, she set out to give this little boy a reason to celebrate Mother’s Day. This wasn’t the first time she had welcomed him into her home. The little boy had celebrated Christmas with her family, and many other special occasions. She took her 2 oldest daughters to the side and asked them to help give him the Mother’s Day that all his classmates would be talking about on Monday.

On Sunday morning, she lied in bed pretending to sleep as she heard the commotion of children in her kitchen. With a huge grin on his face, the little boy accompanied her 3 children as they presented her with home made cards and breakfast in bed.

Two years later, this same little boy received news he and his 2 younger sisters were going to meet their new parents. The meeting was scheduled for 2 days after Mother’s Day. He drew hearts around the photo of his new parents and wrote “Mama and Papa”. He was 9 years old and the day he had waited his entire life had finally come. After years of tears and prayers from opposite sides of the globe, He now has reason to celebrate Mother’s Day every year.
