How Ava Raised Funds with a Raffle Basket Fundraiser

When Ava decided to volunteer in Ecuador, she needed a creative way to raise funds. She started by visiting local businesses and sharing her mission—how she’d be working with children in orphanages, offering love and support. While some chain stores had strict policies, small businesses were much more willing to help (and Chick-fil-A was a standout exception!).

Need different basket fundraiser ideas? Check out 17 Fantastic Auction Basket Ideas For Your Next Fundraiser

She collected gift cards, handmade goods, and services donated by generous shop owners and bundled them into themed baskets—one for food lovers, another for fitness fans, and even a self-care package. Then, she used social media to spread the word.

By selling raffle tickets through Facebook Marketplace and local community groups, Ava quickly gained support. Friends and family also shared her posts, helping her reach an even wider audience. Buyers sent payments through Venmo, specifying how many tickets they wanted. To wrap it all up, she hosted a live drawing on Instagram, keeping it interactive and exciting.

The result? Ava exceeded her fundraising goal and inspired others to use the same strategy.

TLDR – Raffle Basket Fundraiser

  • Ask local businesses for donated items or gift cards.

  • Bundle them into themed baskets.

  • Sell raffle tickets through social media and Venmo.

  • Host a live drawing on Instagram or Facebook.
