Volunteer Directors

Our volunteer director positions are open to couples of any age (18+). OSSO will cover all relevant expenses such as flights, food, room and board, etc. It is not a paid position; rather, as a volunteer director couple, you will lead and mentor the volunteers that come to your site. Read more about the job description below!

Join our free Virtual Q&A Session!

Want to speak to an OSSO representative before you apply? We’ve got just the thing for you! Join us for a short presentation all about what it’s like to volunteer in Ecuador, followed by a Q&A session.

Thursday, February 27th

6:00 pm MDT

This is the perfect opportunity to get all of your questions answered directly by our staff!

Job Description

Retired senior volunteer program. OSSO Volunteer Director playing with a young child on a slide in Ecuador.

Orphanage Support Services Organization (OSSO) is offering full-time volunteer positions as Volunteer Directors in both Cuenca and Quito, Ecuador.

Volunteer Director positions are open to couples 18+ interested in organizing the work of our long-term and short-term volunteers in Ecuador. Directors can serve for a duration of anywhere between 4-12 months, although this may vary depending on current needs. Volunteer Directors change throughout the year, so please apply at any time if you are interested!

OSSO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that has been around for more than 25 years. We currently support nine different orphanages in Ecuador by providing them with volunteer and monetary support.

As volunteer directors you will oversee the service activities of regular volunteer groups ranging in size from 4-15 volunteers. Most of our long-term volunteers are between the ages of 18-23. We also have volunteer couples, individuals, families, and company groups who serve short-term (2 weeks or less). You will be in charge of making sure volunteers have a meaningful, fun, and positive experience that benefits the children and youth our organization seeks to love and supports!

As volunteer directors you will be assisted in your efforts by our US team and our local Ecuadorian team.

Volunteer Director responsibilities include:

  • Arranging volunteers’ service schedules at each orphanage

  • Helping volunteers plan activities to do during their service shifts.

  • Overseeing and providing training to new volunteers

  • Picking up and dropping off volunteers at the airport

  • Helping arrange transportation to and from each service location.

  • Going grocery shopping to keep the volunteer house kitchen stocked with food

  • Supporting volunteers emotionally during their service

  • Providing correction and guidance to volunteers as needed

  • Performing volunteer shifts with volunteers at each of the service locations

  • Assisting with the execution of OSSO sponsored outings and activities

  • Tracking and reporting expenses related to your daily work

  • Other related duties as needed

OSSO will cover the following expenses for individuals serving as Volunteer Directors:

  • Flight to and from Ecuador

  • Food, housing, and transportation costs while performing OSSO-related activities

  • Personal travel and sightseeing costs are not included

Volunteer Directors have their own private living space adjacent to the regular volunteer housing.

At least one Volunteer Director must speak Spanish.

OSSO Volunteer Alumni are strongly encouraged to apply!

This is an amazing opportunity to work abroad, build your resume, expand your skillset, and take on an important leadership role. Not only that, but serving as a Volunteer Director in Ecuador is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that will change your life forever! 

Have any questions you need answered before you apply? Sign up to attend our virtual info session above or send us an email at jeanie@orphanagesupport.org.

Retired senior volunteer program. OSSO volunteer playing with toddler in Ecuador.

Current Openings

We are now hiring Volunteer Directors for 2026 and 2027 and have positions open in Cuenca and Quito, Ecuador.


Volunteer DirectoR


  • March 2026 - August 2026 in Cuenca

  • January 2027 - December 2027 in Cuenca (apply for anywhere between 4-12 months)

  • February 2027 - December 2027 in Quito (apply for anywhere between 4-12 months)

(Dates above are the recommended length of time, but applicants may serve for anywhere between 4-12 months).


  • Open to couples 18+

  • Spanish is required for at least one Volunteer Director

  • OSSO volunteer alumni are strongly encouraged to apply

  • Must be able to pass a background check

Retired senior volunteer program. OSSO Volunteer Directors with three volunteers and a local Ecuadorian, posing with a llama and overlooking a mountain lake.