OSSO Video Competition
Please read through all the details! Submission is on the bottom.
Calling all BYU-Idaho graphic design and art students!
Here’s your chance to showcase your creative talents and support a local cause by participating in the OSSO Video Competition. Your video could be featured at the Paramount 5 Cinema and across social media platforms! OSSO (Orphanage Support Services Organization) is a Rexburg-based nonprofit focused on helping orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide, and we need your help to spread our message.
Contest Details:
60-second video (Prize: $200)
30-second video (Prize: $100)
Submission Format: The video can be animated or filmed. It must be in a landscape orientation and should be formatted for a cinema screen. Videos should be high quality, ideally in:
Resolution: Minimum 1920x1080 (Full HD)
Frame Rate: 24 or 30 frames per second (fps)
File Formats: MP4 or MOV preferred
Prizes: Winning videos will be shown on the big screen at the Paramount 5 Cinema, on OSSO’s website, and across our social media platforms.
Social Media Compatibility: If your video is selected, we may reach out to reformat it for social media platforms.
How We Choose the Winners:
The OSSO staff will vote on the video submissions. While we value creativity and effort, please note that if no submissions meet our standards, no prize will be awarded. We’re looking for a well-crafted video that truly reflects the heart of OSSO’s mission. Poor-quality submissions will not be published.
Submission Period:
The competition opens October 21 and runs until midnight, December 2. No late submissions will be accepted.
Submission Form:
Agreement to Terms: By submitting your video, you agree that the copyright will belong to OSSO for use on social media, online, in cinemas, and marketing.
Contact for Questions:
For any questions or requests for interviews, please contact Brooke Bishop at brooke@orphanagesupport.org.
If you need access to proprietary OSSO program videos for reference, please also contact Brooke.
We look forward to seeing your creativity and sharing your work with the community!